At Nylyn Solar, we are committed to empowering individuals and families to harness the power of the sun efficiently. With plug-and-play solar solutions according to European specifications, we make environmentally friendly energy affordable. Together, we light the way to a sustainable future.
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Your choice, your Future
In a world where every decision has far-reaching consequences, "your choice, your future" is more than just a motto – it's a philosophy of life. It is an invitation to act more consciously, knowing that our actions today affect tomorrow. In this sense, it is a call to action, an appeal to our responsibility and our ability to shape the world.

Insights Hub
0 % Umsatzsteuer auf Photovoltaik in Österreich – Regelung und vorzeitiges Ende
Seit Anfang 2024 gilt in Österreich eine Umsatzsteuerbefreiung für Photovoltaik-Anlagen bis 35 kWp. Diese temporäre Maßnahme sollte ursprünglich bis Ende 2025 laufen...
What will happen to the 0% VAT on solar systems after 2025?
The Current Situation of Tax Benefits for Solar Energy in Austria: An Analysis Austria has created various tax incentives to...
Abu Dhabi sets standards in renewable energy: What Europe can learn from it
The Emirates Water and Electricity Co. (EWEC) has recently taken another significant step towards renewable energy: Four new sites in...