At Nylyn Solar, we are committed to empowering individuals and families to harness the power of the sun efficiently. With plug-and-play solar solutions according to European specifications, we make environmentally friendly energy affordable. Together, we light the way to a sustainable future.

Go Solar!

Your choice, your Future

In a world where every decision has far-reaching consequences, "your choice, your future" is more than just a motto – it's a philosophy of life. It is an invitation to act more consciously, knowing that our actions today affect tomorrow. In this sense, it is a call to action, an appeal to our responsibility and our ability to shape the world.

Oldest known solar device

The history of solar energy has ancient roots! As early as the 3rd to 4th century B.C., the Greeks and Romans used burning mirrors to concentrate sunlight and create fire.

Huge potential

The amount of solar energy the Earth receives in one hour is more than the planet uses in an entire year. If we could harness just a fraction of this energy, we could power the world!

More than just electricity

Solar energy is not just about electricity. Solar thermal systems use the sun's heat to heat water for homes, reducing the need for gas or electric water heaters.

A trip around the world

In 2015 and 2016, a plane called Solar Impulse 2 flew around the world using only solar power. Not a single drop of fuel was used!